The Business Technology Roundtable (BTR) provides information and guidance to help you understand the available options, proceed through the buying cycle, and select a best-fit provider of managed services, hosting services and evolving cloud services.
We also provide links to tools, such as a procurement checklist or buyer’s guide, and a build vs. buy calculator that can be used to help you build a business case for service deployment and adoption within your organization.
We also seek to gauge which problems you encounter or solutions you seek -- ideas for new services and new online tools that are most important and most relevant. Visit the BTR Idea Exchange to participate in our open collaboration effort.
This is your opportunity, by contributing your ideas, to tell service providers what you require from them. This is an open public list, and all service providers can view it.
You can either submit an idea or vote on an idea that's already been submitted -- all you need is a Google Account to sign in. We thank you in advance for your participation. The BTR moderator may post a response to submitted ideas.
Note, submissions to the idea exchange are moderated, to avoid webspam or other off-topic or inappropriate content. Also, anonymous submissions are not supported.
Share your ideas, NOW.
(BTR Idea Exchange is hosted on Google Moderator)
We also welcome your comments, here, regarding the idea exchange.